Cebi is looking for startups developing solutions in the field of intelligent sensors, heating devices and actuators.
Call Description
CEBI is seeking to locate companies with capabilities in the field of automotive communication buses and digital / multiplexed i/o interfaces (CAN,LIN, etc.) which can license ready-to-use software libraries and possibly also hardware blocks which CEBI can then integrate into its own embedded developments, thus saving the internal effort required to develop such libraries / hardware blocks, which, although being important, are somehow secondary to CEBI’s main effort in the field of sensing and control hardware and software.
CEBI’s envisions the partnership with such companies in the form of licensing agreements of existing solutions, or collaborative development of CEBI-specific, individual projects, focused on special needs, under exclusivity agreements as dictated by every business case.
CEBI is however open to consider other possibilities such as partial or total acquisition of companies it would consider as strategically positioned in the field and fitting within the R&D structure and strategy of CEBI Group.
Company Background
With a 2500+ strong workforce, CEBI is a family-owned global supplier to the automotive and household appliance industry, with a worldwide sales structure and a manufacturing footprint in Europe, Asia and America.
CEBI has a decades-long trajectory in the field of electrical motors, actuators, heating devices and sensors, and more recently in the field of windscreen and headlamp washing systems and mechanical locks.
Specifically in the field of sensors and heating devices, CEBI has a very strong market position, and is seeking to maintain its competitive edge for the years to come.
Interested? Want to know more?
Please fill this form to get more details about the call. Deadline: February 28th 2017