Topics on the 2024 LOIC agenda

Generative AI

Exchange Forum | Practical Use Cases

Innovation Challenges

Innovation Mindset | Innovation Management

Ideation Methods

Brainstorming Methods | Collective Intelligence


Technologies | Business Innovation


If these topics spark your interest, please reach out to us to become part of the club!

2023 past events

March 9th

#Innovation strategy


Masterclass with Francisco Santolo on how to understand customer pain points

March 21st

#Innovation strategy

Sharing experiences

Customer Centricity: Learning from Retail Customer Service with Amazon

April 25th

#Innovation strategy


Business Model Adaptation - Unleash the Growth & Innovation Potential of Your Organization with Alexander Osterwalder from Strategyzer

May 11th

#Innovation ecosystem

Awareness raising

Guided Tour at the SnT Partnership Day

May 24th

#Innovation Strategy


Masterclass on how to convince management to innovate with Plug and Play

June 6th


Awareness raising

It's all about AI with the Digital Learning Hub

September 14th



LOIC annual breakfast

September 20th

#Innovation ecosystem

Afterwork visit

Visit of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity to discover their services

October 11th&12th

#Innovation ecosystem

Learning Expedition

Two-day visit of Paris-Saclay Innovation Playground

October 18th


Reverse Pitch

8 LOIC members pitched their challenges in front of startups during the Startup Luxembourg Venture Days

October 25th

#Innovation implementation

Awareness raising

Moving faster - managing your project like a startup with Frank Debane in collaboration with PMI Luxembourg

November 9th

#Innovation implementation

Sharing experiences

Guided discussions about open innovation tools tested by the members with best practices & pitfals from Paul Wurth and Foyer

December 4th

#Innovation implementation


Discussions around change management with Prosci

December 4th



End-of-year dinner

2022 past events

May 12th

#Innovation governance


Fred Colantonio was back to explain how to sell ideas

June 8th

#Techno break

Sharing experiences

AI use cases - from members to members through interventions from Champ Cargosystems and ArcelorMittal

June 13th

#Techno break

Sharing experiences (webinar)

Learning about the AI strategy & use cases of Orange

May 12th

#Innovation governance


Fred Colantonio was back to explain how to sell ideas

June 8th

#Techno break

Sharing experiences

AI use cases - from members to members through interventions from Champ Cargosystems and ArcelorMittal

June 13th

#Techno break

Sharing experiences (webinar)

Learning about the AI strategy & use cases of Orange

June 28th

#Techno break

Sharing experiences (webinar)

AI use cases with SNCF

July 6th


Innovation awards

In collaboration with Le Village by CA Luxembourg and Silicon Luxembourg the best startups and corporates collaborations in  Luxembourg were awarded

September 6th



LOIC annual breakfast

September 21st

#Innovation governance


Learning about the success factors for Business Model Innovation with Uwe Kirschner from Bosch

October 5th


Innovation dating

Reverse Pitch Session in collaboration with the Luxembourg-City Incubator - LOIC members pitching their challenges to LCI startups

October 13th

#Techno break

Awareness raising

Learning about the origins and evolution of the Metaverse and Web 3.0 with LëtzPlay and Virtual Rangers

November 23th

#Innovation ecosystem

Afterwork visit

Discovering the NEXT, the innovation center of Post, and their innovation management method Kickbox

December 5th

#Innovation governance


Introduction to Visual Management techniques with wemanity

December 5th



End-of-year dinner

2021 past events

February 9th


Sharing experiences (webinar)

In collaboration with LPEA, on Corporate Venture Capital (CVC)

February 12th



Co-creation session on LOIC vision and values

April 28th

#New businesses through data usage


The uses of AI in 2021: Where are we today in sorting out the myths and the reality of uses? With Olivier Ezratty

May 11th

#New businesses through data usage


What progress has been made regarding Digital Twins and how corporates can be involved? In partnership with the LIST

June 1st

#New businesses through data usage


Introduction to Meluxina, a supercomputing infrastructure

June 16th

#New businesses through data usage

Sharing experiences (webinar)

How to handle a data project? What are the success criteria for data use cases?

June 30th

#New businesses through data usage


The "Digital Twin" concept, and how it applies to different application sectors. In partnership with SnT

July 7th

#New businesses through data usage


Introduction to Gaia-X Luxembourg

September 9th



LOIC annual breakfast

September 27th

#Innovation governance


Masterclass on innovation accounting with Esther Gons

October 1st

#Innovation governance

Sharing experiences

How to deal with innovation inside a corporate and create new ideas flow with employees

October 19th & 26th


Business game

Learn good practice while participating in a cybersecurity attack crisis simulator: Room42

October 29th



How to bridge the gap between innovation and security. Workshop in collaboration with C3

November 9th

#Corporate sustainability


Introduction to initiatives and tools in Luxembourg to help corporates towards more sustainability

November 26th



Innovation and sustainability: work together for better results

December 13th

#Innovation ecosystem strategies

Sharing experiences

How to build an ecosystem around technology or your company

December 13th



End-of-year dinner

2020 past events

February 28th


Introduction to the Exponential Organizations (ExO) methodology

March 12th

FinTech Business Connect

In partnership with Hub@Luxembourg

April 22nd & 29th

Sharing experiences (webinars)

Concrete case studies, e.g.: Artificial Intelligence | Machine learning | Predictive maintenance

May 13th & 27th

Sharing experiences (webinars)

Corporate Innovation Labs : how to combine it with your core business and generate value

May 27th

Innovation Dating event postponed

Digital Twins (= digital representation of a real-world entity or system) thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT)

June 10th

Sharing experiences (webinar)

Business Model Resilience & Innovation Framework through covid-19

June 11th & 12th      

International Fair postponed


July 2nd & 3rd 

Learning Expedition (LEX) postponed

Discovering Paris' Innovation ecosystem

September 2nd

Sharing experiences

Collaborating with startups: from PoC to production

September 24th

Corporate-Startup event

2020 Village Awards Ceremony

October 16th

Online workshop

The Spiral Dynamics and the changing role of the innovation director in times of crisis

December 8th


Management Flexibility (SAFe -Scaled Agile Framework & Scrum Master)

2019 past events

March 1st


Design thinking – Part II: working on LOIC members' challenges

March 29th


Meaningful Innovation KPIs

April 26th


Culture of innovation: “ContinuousNEXT” methodology by Gartner

May 24th

Sharing experience

Equity corporate investments in innovative startups

June 21st

Learning expedition in Luxembourg

Industry 4.0

September 20th

Sharing experience

Low-tech innovation: definition and implementation

October 16th

Innovation dating event: Human-Centered Design solutions

User Experience – User Interface

November 4th

Learning expedition in Lisbon

Web Summit

December 10th

Sharing experience

Know Your Customer: product and client traceability

Are you interested in joining one of these sessions? Then drop us an email!