Let us introduce the members of the LOIC through short interviews...
Today, BGL BNP Paribas!
Who are you?
My name is Laure Morsy, I am Member of the Management Board and COO of BGL BNP Paribas.
Why is it so important for your company to innovate?
Innovation is a key way to respond to our clients’ continuous evolving needs and sometimes to anticipate those needs. But innovation also means making the life of our staff easier and fulfilling.
Why did you join the LOIC?
We joined the LOIC to broaden our horizons.
What do you expect from the LOIC?
For the LOIC members to create conditions of collective intelligence through their diversity and professionalism.
What would be the key word to describe your initiative?
Give -Â Always come to the LOIC with the spirit of giving before taking!