Let us introduce the members of the LOIC through short interviews...
Today, Tarkett!
Who are you?
My name is Christophe Reithler, I am Group Prospective & Opportunity exploration Director at Tarkett.
Why is it so important for your company to innovate?
Innovation is one of the drivers of Tarkett’s organic growth, and our goal is to grow faster than our competitors. Tarkett’s creative and agile organization, coupled with our innovation and creativity processes that combine strategic foresights, open innovation and user-centricity, have changed the game of the traditional flooring industry. Our teams are constantly exploring new ways of thinking to push known boundaries.
Why did you join the LOIC?
The practice of open-innovation is extremely dynamic in Luxembourg ! Who can say that he knows all the potential of Luxembourg? The diversity and professionalism of the LOIC’s members enable to share and explore common concerns.
What do you expect from the LOIC?
‘Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.’ – Henry Ford
I have found a stimulating environment in the LOIC, with members eager to share best practices as well as a dynamic and professional team.
What would be the key words to describe your initiative?
Share, share, share… experiences, practices, to always progress individually and collectively.