LOIC (Luxembourg Open Innovation Club) is proud to announce that since its inception in 2016, the Club has doubled both its Partner base and its Membership. Indeed, its original Partner base - Lux Future Lab, Luxinnovation and Technoport, - will be joined in 2019 by Hub@Luxembourg, partner of Le Village by CA network, the Luxembourg-City Incubator (LCI), the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT), Neobuild and Paul Wurth InCub. Including the House of Startups (HoST) as its parent organization, LOIC now relies on a total of eight innovation leaders as Partners. This new Partner base provides LOIC Members for their innovation needs with a broader access to highly specialized areas and professional networks. Indeed, innovation calls will be directed to the LOIC Partner most specialized in the technological area for follow-up.
Alongside the enlargement of its Partner base, LOIC has also witnessed a spectacular growth in its corporate Memberships. Today, more than 30 SMEs or major corporates represent a very diversified group of industry and services thus increasing the intrinsic value added of the Club.
LOIC Members are connected on a regular basis with creative startups to accelerate and to implement successfully open innovation projects but Members are also very active in exchanging best practices and knowledge.
“We could not feel prouder and more excited for LOIC and its Members, to see these eight Partners coming together and strengthen our offer. We can now offer a stronger pool of expertise that can tackle each member’s innovation needs, even the most challenging.”, says Emilie Bechet, Corporate Innovation Manager of LOIC.
Within the House of Startups’ mission to federate the innovation ecosystem, LOIC plays a strategic role building together with its Partners, bridges between the startups and the Members of the Chamber of Commerce. This growth in both its Partner base and membership also shows that there is a concrete will to come together and foster innovation among Luxembourg’s leading innovators, and the Luxembourg Open Innovation Club represents one of the best platforms to do so.


About LOIC
LOIC (Luxembourg Open Innovation Club) was founded in 2016 by four Partnering organizations: Lux Future Lab, Luxinnovation, nyuko and Technoport. Since joining the House of Startups, LOIC has expanded to eight Partnering organizations (Hub@Luxembourg, Lux Future Lab, Luxembourg-City Incubator, Luxembourg House of Financial Technology, Luxinnovation, Neobuild, Paul Wurth InCub and Technoport). The vision is to encourage and develop open innovation among its Members representing major corporates as well as SMEs. LOIC Members come together to share best practices, to learn new tools and to connect with innovative startups to accelerate the creation of knowledge in order to run and implement successful open innovation projects.