Topics on the 2024 LOIC agenda
Generative AI
Exchange Forum | Practical Use Cases
Innovation Challenges
Innovation Mindset | Innovation Management
Ideation Methods
Brainstorming Methods | Collective Intelligence
Technologies | Business Innovation
If these topics spark your interest, please reach out to us to become part of the club!
2023 past events
March 9th
#Innovation strategy
Masterclass with Francisco Santolo on how to understand customer pain points
March 21st
#Innovation strategy
Sharing experiences
Customer Centricity: Learning from Retail Customer Service with Amazon
April 25th
#Innovation strategy
Business Model Adaptation - Unleash the Growth & Innovation Potential of Your Organization with Alexander Osterwalder from Strategyzer
May 24th
#Innovation Strategy
Masterclass on how to convince management to innovate with Plug and Play
September 14th
LOIC annual breakfast
September 20th
#Innovation ecosystem
Afterwork visit
Visit of the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity to discover their services
October 11th&12th
#Innovation ecosystem
Learning Expedition
Two-day visit of Paris-Saclay Innovation Playground
October 18th
Reverse Pitch
8 LOIC members pitched their challenges in front of startups during the Startup Luxembourg Venture Days
October 25th
#Innovation implementation
Awareness raising
Moving faster - managing your project like a startup with Frank Debane in collaboration with PMI Luxembourg
November 9th
#Innovation implementation
Sharing experiences
Guided discussions about open innovation tools tested by the members with best practices & pitfals from Paul Wurth and Foyer
December 4th
End-of-year dinner
2022 past events
June 8th
#Techno break
Sharing experiences
AI use cases - from members to members through interventions from Champ Cargosystems and ArcelorMittal
June 13th
#Techno break
Sharing experiences (webinar)
Learning about the AI strategy & use cases of Orange
June 8th
#Techno break
Sharing experiences
AI use cases - from members to members through interventions from Champ Cargosystems and ArcelorMittal
June 13th
#Techno break
Sharing experiences (webinar)
Learning about the AI strategy & use cases of Orange
September 21st
#Innovation governance
Learning about the success factors for Business Model Innovation with Uwe Kirschner from Bosch
October 5th
Innovation dating
Reverse Pitch Session in collaboration with the Luxembourg-City Incubator - LOIC members pitching their challenges to LCI startups
October 13th
#Techno break
Awareness raising
Learning about the origins and evolution of the Metaverse and Web 3.0 with LëtzPlay and Virtual Rangers
December 5th
#Innovation governance
Introduction to Visual Management techniques with wemanity
December 5th
End-of-year dinner
2021 past events
February 9th
Sharing experiences (webinar)
In collaboration with LPEA, on Corporate Venture Capital (CVC)
April 28th
#New businesses through data usage
The uses of AI in 2021: Where are we today in sorting out the myths and the reality of uses? With Olivier Ezratty
May 11th
#New businesses through data usage
What progress has been made regarding Digital Twins and how corporates can be involved? In partnership with the LIST
June 1st
#New businesses through data usage
Introduction to Meluxina, a supercomputing infrastructure
June 16th
#New businesses through data usage
Sharing experiences (webinar)
How to handle a data project? What are the success criteria for data use cases?
June 30th
#New businesses through data usage
The "Digital Twin" concept, and how it applies to different application sectors. In partnership with SnT
September 9th
LOIC annual breakfast
September 27th
#Innovation governance
Masterclass on innovation accounting with Esther Gons
October 1st
#Innovation governance
Sharing experiences
How to deal with innovation inside a corporate and create new ideas flow with employees
October 19th & 26th
Business game
Learn good practice while participating in a cybersecurity attack crisis simulator: Room42
October 29th
How to bridge the gap between innovation and security. Workshop in collaboration with C3
November 9th
#Corporate sustainability
Introduction to initiatives and tools in Luxembourg to help corporates towards more sustainability
November 26th
Innovation and sustainability: work together for better results
December 13th
#Innovation ecosystem strategies
Sharing experiences
How to build an ecosystem around technology or your company
December 13th
End-of-year dinner
2020 past events
April 22nd & 29th
Sharing experiences (webinars)
Concrete case studies, e.g.: Artificial Intelligence | Machine learning | Predictive maintenance
May 13th & 27th
Sharing experiences (webinars)
Corporate Innovation Labs : how to combine it with your core business and generate value
May 27th
Innovation Dating event postponed
Digital Twins (= digital representation of a real-world entity or system) thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT)
June 10th
Sharing experiences (webinar)
Business Model Resilience & Innovation Framework through covid-19
July 2nd & 3rd
Learning Expedition (LEX) postponed
Discovering Paris' Innovation ecosystem
September 2nd
Sharing experiences
Collaborating with startups: from PoC to production
October 16th
Online workshop
The Spiral Dynamics and the changing role of the innovation director in times of crisis
December 8th
Management Flexibility (SAFe -Scaled Agile Framework & Scrum Master)
2019 past events
March 1st
Design thinking – Part II: working on LOIC members' challenges
March 29th
Meaningful Innovation KPIs
April 26th
Culture of innovation: “ContinuousNEXT” methodology by Gartner
May 24th
Sharing experience
Equity corporate investments in innovative startups
September 20th
Sharing experience
Low-tech innovation: definition and implementation
October 16th
Innovation dating event: Human-Centered Design solutions
December 10th
Sharing experience
Know Your Customer: product and client traceability
Are you interested in joining one of these sessions? Then drop us an email!